Training Information – CAPA, PAPA, YAPA

Interview training takes four didactic days via Zoom or other platform of your choosing. If preferred, we will send our trainer, Brian Small, to train your interviewers at your location. 

NOTE: Depending on your location and time difference compared to U.S. EST, in-person training may be required for international clients.

These measures, like all structured interviews, are fairly intensive with a steep learning curve, but the outcome is rich data. You may choose what modules you wish to administer, but keep in mind that some modules are required.

Training Costs

  1. Training is $1,000 per day, including travel days if travel is necessary.
  2. Airfare and accommodations during visit (cost of food and transportation) if travel is necessary.
  3. Optional Service: Trainer will thoroughly check an interview and provide a written feedback report for $500 per checked interview. Depending on the size of your group, it is beneficial to receive this feedback on one or two interviews per interviewer. 

Development Costs 

All schedules (PAPA, CAPA, and YAPA) are now completed with REDCap. Your institution must use REDCap to administer the PAPA, CAPA, or YAPA electronically. You can use a paper version of any instrument, but you are responsible for developing the data entry system and completing your own analysis. Please remember, formal training is still required for the paper version.

You may use the Omnibus version of the interview, or you may select certain modules that fit your study needs, provided deleted modules are not necessary for diagnosis. Upon your request, modifications to the interview schedule can be completed at a programming cost of $100 per hour. 

Training Overview 

  • Day 1: Introduction to interview (CAPA, PAPA, or YAPA). Review and discuss selected modules for your interview. This is an interactive discussion of definitions, probes and coding rules.
  • Day 2: Review and discuss selected modules for your interview.
  • Day 3: Finish any discussion of modules. Complete a mock interview. Trainees will interview trainer. This is an interactive interview with all interviewers taking part. The interview will be a realistic mock interview of a typical interview that you would expect in the field.
  • Day 4: Code mock interview. If using REDCap, interviewers will code mock interview. If interview will be completed on paper, you must supply your interviewers with a printed paper version of interview. Trainer will supply a Word version of your interview to print.

Sample Agenda 

This is just a sample agenda; an actual agenda depends on the instrument and modules chosen.

Day 1 

  • 9am – Introduction to the PAPA slide show, short comparison of the PAPA to other assessments, detailed information on the components and administration of the PAPA
  • 10:30am – Discuss sections of PAPA: Family; Childcare; Food Preferences and Appetite; Sleep Behaviors
  • 12-1pm – Lunch break
  • 1pm – Separation Anxiety; Worries; Anxious Affect
  • 5pm – End of day

Day 2

  • 9am – Depressed Affect and Conduct Problems
  • 12-1pm – Lunch break
  • 1-5pm – Hyperactivity; Life Events; PTSD 
  • 5pm – End of day

Day 3 

  • 9am – Incapacities 
  • 10am-12pm – Mock Interview
  • 12-1pm – Lunch break
  • 2-5pm – Mock interview
  • 5pm – End of day

Day 4 

  • 9am-12pm – Code mock interview
  • 12-1pm – Lunch break
  • 2-5pm – Code interview; Questions
  • 5pm – End of day

See our Instruments

Contact Us

If you have questions or need any additional information, please contact Brian Small (