Interested in Participating in Research Studies?

At the Duke Behavioral Health & Technology Lab, we look for new ways to improve health and well-being through the use of mobile technology and behavioral health interventions.
Periodically, we have new opportunities for people to participate in our studies. If you would like to be considered for participation in a future study, please consider joining the Duke Behavioral Health and Technology Data Repository.
What is a data repository?
A data repository is a database of people who would like to be contacted about future study opportunities. If you join the repository, you’re not agreeing to participate in specific future studies; you’re just agreeing for us to keep your information saved in this secure database so we can contact you if a study arises that might be a good fit for you. Joining the repository doesn’t promise participation in future studies, but it allows us to contact you about ongoing and future studies.
What is involved in joining the repository?
To join our data repository, you would need to:
- Read and sign a consent form.
- Provide your contact information and if you served in the military, your veteran status and era.
- Provide your date of birth (you must be 18 years of age or older to participate).
How do I join the repository?
To join the repository, simply complete the online consent form. Please read the consent carefully and take your time making your decision.
If you have any questions about the consent form, please contact the study team at 919-681-1613 or email