Duke Center for the Study of Suicide Prevention and Intervention

The Duke Center for the Study of Suicide Prevention & Intervention (CSSPI) represents a collaborative effort among several clinical research scientists at the Duke Child & Family Study Center to advance our understanding of the risk for suicidal behaviors and to reduce suicide attempts and suicide deaths. The CSSPI has a three-part mission:

  • Scientifically sound and innovative research
  • The study of evidence-based prevention and intervention
  • Education

The CSSPI partners with local, state, and national community organizations and foundations, as well as academic institutions. Specifically, the faculty members affiliated with the CSSPI maintain active collaborations with several groups, including:

Click on a faculty member’s name to view their profile, including their grants and publications.

Youth Partners in Care for Suicide Prevention   

(PCORI SP-2020C3-21078; David Goldston, Duke, and Joan Asarnow, UCLA, Co-PIs)

This multi-site (UCLA, Duke, Brown, Utah) randomized trial is examining the comparative effectiveness of the SAFETY-A brief crisis stabilization and safety planning intervention versus the SAFETY-A intervention plus CLASP follow-up caring therapeutic contacts in increasing service use and reducing suicide attempts among 1,516 youth and young adults ages 15-24 presenting to emergency departments with suicidal ideation and behavior. The study is also examining heterogeneity of effects (differential effectiveness for different population subgroups) for the intervention. 

Brief Suicide Intervention for Youth in Juvenile Detention Settings

(NIMH R34 MH124986; David Goldston, PI)                                                  

The purpose of this intervention development grant is to adapt/develop and refine a brief trauma-informed strengths-based intervention for suicidal youth that can be used by direct care staff in juvenile detention settings to reduce risk for suicidal behavior and emergency service utilization and increase linkage to mental health services following detention.

Practice Experiences for School Reintegration: An Immersive Virtual Reality Program to Enhance Skill Development of Adolescents Hospitalized for Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors

(NIMH K23 MH122775; Marissa Marraccini, PI)

This career development award to Dr. Marissa Marraccini is supporting development of a virtual reality program to enhance skill development of adolescents who have been hospitalized for suicidal thoughts and behavior.

Co-Designing a Virtual Reality Intervention to Enhance Skill Development with Adolescents Hospitalized for Suicide-Related Crises

(MQ Fellows Award MQF22/16; Marissa Marraccini, PI)

This grant is supporting further development of a virtual reality interface for helping youth learn skills for handling stressful situations while they are psychiatrically hospitalized for suicidal thoughts and behavior. 

Cost Effectiveness of Combined Contingency Management and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Alcohol Use Disorder (Supplement Award)

(NIAAA R01-AA027520; Eric Deter and Patrick Calhoun, PIs; Jeremy Grove, Supplement Award Recipient)

This supplement award to Dr. Jeremy Grove is examining the relationship between suicidal thoughts and behaviors and alcohol use in the context of outpatient treatment for alcohol use disorder. 

Depression, Suicide, and Suicide Mitigation Implementation in Head and Neck Cancer

(NIDCD K01-DE030916; Nosayaba Osazuwa-Peters, PI)

This career development award to Dr. Nosayaba Osazuwa-Peters is supporting implementation of systematic screening for suicidal thoughts and behaviors among patients in head and neck cancer clinics. 

Telehealth to Reduce Suicidality and lmprove HIV Care Engagement in Tanzania

(NIMH K08-MH124459; Brandon Knettel, PI)

This career development to Dr. Brandon Knettel is supporting development and implementation of a brief telehealth intervention for people living with HIV in Tanzania. The intervention is designed to reduce suicide risk, increase safety, provide HIV education, and support HIV care.

The Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Suicide Prevention Cross-Site Evaluation

(SAMHSA/CMHS Contract 280-03-1606)

Via a contract from SAMHSA to ICF, a cross-site evaluation is being conducted of the state, tribal, and campus suicide prevention programs funded via the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act. Duke University is participating in this project as part of the cross-site evaluation team. In a recent finding from the cross-site evaluation, communities in which Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention programs had been implemented were found to have reduced rates of suicide deaths and reduced population rates of suicide attempts when compared to communities without these suicide prevention programs.   

Integrated Electronic & Care Manager Support Intervention for Caregivers of Adolescents with Suicide Attempts 

(NIMH R34-MH112811) 

The CSSPI is collaborating with Wake Forest University School of Medicine in the development and initial testing of an intervention to support parents of youths who have had suicidal thoughts and behavior. Previous studies conducted by our group indicated that parents often feel as though they lack support and information for caring for their children who have been discharged from the hospital following suicide attempts. The new intervention will address these needs, and consist of regular contact with a care support manager and use of a mobile health application to provide information and support to parents.

Suicidal Adults with Alcohol or Drug Use Problems: A New Hospital Based Treatment

(NIAAA R34-AA026016)

The CSSPI is collaborating with the University of Rochester School of Medicine in the adaptation, refinement, and preliminary evaluation of the Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program (ASSIP). The ASSIP intervention previously was found to be very effective in reducing suicide attempts in studies in Europe. In this study, the adapted version of ASSIP will be used with adults who both have been medically hospitalized following suicide attempts, and who have alcohol and/or drug use problems. 

The faculty members associated with the CSSPI are involved with research focused on developing and adapting interventions for different populations of suicidal individuals. The CSSPI is not associated with a specific clinic, but clinical services are available through the Duke Child and Family Study Center. Services are available for children, adolescents, young adults and families seeking evidence-based assessment, diagnosis and treatment services for a range of psychological or adjustment difficulties, including suicide-related thoughts and behaviors and self-harm.

For more information, please contact the Referral Coordinator at 919-385-3232.

In the case of an emergency, please call 911 or go the nearest emergency department.

The CSSPI is involved in the provision of training opportunities for individuals interested in suicide- or self-harm-related research. Mentored research experiences are available for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty. Opportunities also are available for clinical training in the assessment and treatment of suicide-related thoughts and behaviors. The CSSPI is involved in outreach and education in the community, including consultation with the schools, collaboration with the NC Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and the Duke Integrated Pediatric Mental Health initiative.

As part of the CSSPI, the UCLA-Duke ASAP Center for Trauma-Informed Suicide, Self-Harm, & Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment through the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, provides community outreach including educational and mental health awareness talks, as well as training in brief interventions for youths and young adults at risk for suicidal and self-harm behaviors.

The Duke Center for the Study of Suicide Prevention and Intervention is tremendously grateful for the funders and partners who make our work possible. If you would like to speak to someone directly about supporting our Center, please email David Goldston, PhD, at david.goldston@duke.edu, or call (919) 668-0074.