Undergraduate School
University of California, Berkeley
Medical School
University of Vermont
Interests and Career Goals
My interests are in the intersection of psychiatry and the criminal justice system, serious mental illness, and in treatment of addiction. My career goals, broadly are to fortify the public safety net.
Favorite Pastimes
Running, reading, backpacking, brewing kombucha, and anthropomorphizing my cat, Zeke.
Strengths of the Program
I was attracted to Duke because I knew I would get excellent training in a variety of areas and got the sense (even virtually) that the program leadership is dynamic and cares for its residents. Living in the triangle is a huge bonus and offers everything one could ask for.
https://www.hoajonline.com/drugabuse/2057-3111/9/1 https://journals.lww.com/academicmedicine/Fulltext/2022/06000/Confronti…
Poster Presentations
- Using Storytelling to Decrease Opioid Related Stigma Among Current and Future Medical Providers. Damji, N (2021)
- Mobile Syringe Exchange as an Opportunity for Community Engagement and Medical Education.
- Poster. Damji, N, Hale, A, Valentine, K (2021) What’s going on with E-Cigarette Use in Vermont High Schools?
- Abdullah, F, Baumgartner, E Curran, D Damji, N Fritz, M Gereg, C, Mak, R, McGee, S Crimmin, A, Kaminsky, D. (2019) Teaching Appropriate Pronoun Use in Medical Education: A Quantitative Analysis of Video Training Effectiveness.
- Poster Presentation. Sacco A, Wheeler E, Harrison R, Higgins L, Chan K, Damji N, Wali M, Upton M (2019)