Duke’s Med-Psych program boasts a large number of combined-trained faculty members, including:
- 16 trained in internal medicine-psychiatry
- One trained in neurology-psychiatry
- Two trained in pediatrics-psychiatry-child and adolescent psychiatry (triple-board)
- One trained in family medicine-psychiatry
Learn more about our faculty (interests noted in italics):
Internal Medicine & Psychiatry

Joshua Briscoe, MD
Medical Director, Durham VA Inpatient Hospice and Inpatient and Outpatient Palliative Care
Palliative care, hospice, consult-liaison psychiatry, mental health care at the end of life and in severe medical illnesses

Gregory Brown, MD
Medical Director for Behavioral Health, Duke Outpatient Clinic
Integrated care, primary care psychiatry, transplant psychiatry

Jacob Feigal, MD
Medical Director, Electroconvulsive Therapy Clinic
Electroconvulsive therapy

Jane Gagliardi, MD, MHS, FACP, DFAPA
Associate Dean for the Learning Environment and Well-Being at Duke University SOM
Medical education, overlap areas in medicine and psychiatry, patient safety, and quality improvement

Elizabeth Gilbert, MD
Consultation-liaison psychiatry, medical education, quality improvement

Nicole Helmke, MD
Program Director, Combined Medicine-Psychiatry Residency
Clinic Director for Lincoln Healthcare for the Homeless
Outpatient psychiatry, primary care, medical education, treatment of substance use disorders

Bryce Jones, MD
Medical Director, Duke Regional Consult Liaison Psychiatry
Psychosomatic medicine, transplant psychiatry

Brian Kincaid, MD
Medical Director, Emergency Psychiatry Services
Emergency psychiatry, psychosomatic medicine, inpatient medicine and psychiatry

Jonathan Komisar, MD
Medical Director, Behavioral Health Inpatient Psychiatry Service
Inpatient medicine and psychiatry, electroconvulsive therapy

James Lefler, MD
Psychoanalysis, medical education

Yeshesvini “Vini” Raman, MD
Director, Mental Health Primary Care Clinic, Durham VA Medical Center
Primary care for the mentally ill, outpatient psychiatry, obesity

Paul Riordan, MD
Medical Director of VA Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
Palliative care, consult-liaison psychiatry, medical education

Kristen G. Shirey, MD, MHS
Medical Director, Medicine-Psychiatry and Psychiatry Consultation-Liaison Services
Global mental health, inpatient medicine and psychiatry, psychosomatic medicine

Ryan Slauer, MD
Inpatient medicine and psychiatry, electroconvulsive therapy

Cameron Strong, MD
Inpatient medicine and psychiatry, electroconvulsive therapy

Joe Zanga, MD
Director, Internal Medicine-Psychiatry Pain Clinic, Durham VA Medical Center
Primary care for the mentally ill, pain medicine
Other Combined Specialties

Nabil Ali, MD
Specialties: Psychiatry and Neurology
Electroconvulsive therapy, brain imaging, translational neurosciences, care at the intersection of neurology and psychiatry

Cerrone Cohen, MD
Psychiatry Clerkship Director
Specialties: Family Medicine and Psychiatry
Primary care psychiatry, medical education, and integrated care

Amanda Kimberg, MD
Associate Program Director, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship Program
Specialties: Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Child Psychiatry
Outpatient child and adolescent psychiatry, telehealth, consultation

Gary Maslow, MD, MPH
Medical Director for Child Psychiatry Services
Medical Director for Integrated Mental Health Programs
Division Co-Director, Child and Family Mental Health and Community Psychiatry
Specialties: Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Child Psychiatry
Adaptation to chronic illness, transition to adulthood for youth with chronic illness, positive youth development, quality of life