Stephanie N. DeCross, MA

Stephanie DeCross

Undergraduate School
Dartmouth College

Graduate School
Harvard University



Interests & Career Goals

Broadly, I’m fascinated by how people learn to detect, interpret, and respond to threat in ways that are relevant to mental health. I’m passionate about approaches that integrate across environmental experience, neurobiological and psychological mechanisms, psychological constructs and behavior, and clinical intervention, and I bring this mechanistic and process-based perspective to both my research and clinical work. I’m drawn to clinically working with severe, complex threat-related presentations, including PTSD, OCD, anxiety, intra- and interpersonal threat in personality disorders, paranoia, and beyond, and I especially enjoy integrating values-based, functional contextual, third-wave cognitive behavioral approaches. Ultimately, I aim to both practice clinically and conduct etiological and treatment mechanistic research in severe threat-related psychopathology in an academic medical center, and to continue playing a role in training and mentoring others.

Favorite Pastimes

I grew up involved in competitive dancing, various performing arts, and playing soccer, and I love finding ways to re-connect with those hobbies now. I also love traveling and experiencing new landscapes and amazing food – I’m always open to travel recommendations! On the weekend you’ll probably find me enjoying the outdoors somewhere and making friends with every dog I pass on the street. 

Why I Chose Duke

Duke stood out to me as a program that would enable me to gain further expertise in the flexible application of third-wave cognitive behavioral approaches to complex presentations. I’m excited to continue working collaboratively within multidisciplinary treatment settings and deepen my existing understanding by providing full model Dialectical Behavioral Therapy with a focus on trauma, as well as broaden my skillset with specialized training opportunities in complementary areas I have less experience with, including eating disorders, substance use, and an inpatient level of care. I was impressed by how the program described prioritizing trainee goals and supporting trainees, and I was drawn to everyone’s undeniable warmth and authenticity.

Research Interests

My translational program of research seeks to understand 1) how critical environmental experiences like childhood trauma alter threat learning processes in ways that confer risk for psychopathology; 2) how threat learning processes are involved in the etiology and maintenance of transdiagnostic threat-related psychopathology; and 3) how we can leverage emerging knowledge to optimize transdiagnostic clinical interventions based on these same learning principles, like exposure therapy. My dissertation work incorporates a developmental perspective to my first line of inquiry, investigating how neurobiological, psychophysiological, and behavioral alterations during fear conditioning, reversal learning, and generalization serve as mechanisms linking childhood trauma with transdiagnostic psychopathology.


  • Harvard University Dissertation Completion Fellowship (2023-2024). Threat learning processes as mechanisms linking childhood trauma and psychopathology: Translating between environmental experience, neurobiology, and behavior.
  • Harvard University Restricted Funds Small Grant (2023). Neural alterations in threat reversal learning as mechanisms linking childhood trauma and transdiagnostic psychopathology.
  • Harvard University Stimson Grant (2019). Technological tools and approaches to neuroimaging analysis supporting reproducible science.
  • National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Award (NSF GRFP) (2017-2022). Amygdala connectivity: Relationships between threat perception and persecutory ideation.


  • Gruner, N.G., Cullen, J.M., Crosby, J.M., DeCross, S.N., Mathes, B., Garner, L., Gironda, C., Hu, Y., Krompinger, J.W., Elias, J.A., & Twohig, M.P. (2024). Investigating an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-based exposure therapy intervention in treatment-refractory OCD and related disorders: Changes in psychological flexibility, treatment engagement, and treatment perceptions. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy. Advance online publication.
  • DeCross, S.N., Sambrook, K.A., Sheridan, M.A., Tottenham, N., & McLaughlin, K.A. (2022). Dynamic alterations in neural networks supporting aversive learning in children exposed to trauma: Neural mechanisms underlying psychopathology. Biological Psychiatry, 91(7), 667-675.
  • Tuominen, L., DeCross, S.N., Boeke, E.A., Cassidy, C.M., Freudenreich, O., Shinn, A.K., Tootell, R.B.H., & Holt, D.J. (2021). Neural abnormalities in fear generalization in schizophrenia and associations with negative symptoms. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 6(12), 1165-1175.
  • Barbour, T., Holmes, A.J., Farabaugh, A.H., DeCross, S.N., Coombs, G.,  Boeke, E.A., Wolthusen, R.P.F., Nyer, M., Pedrelli, P., Fava, M., & Holt, D.J. (2019). Elevated amygdala activity in youth with familial risk for depression: A potential marker of low resilience. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 5(2), 194-202.
  • McLaughlin, K.A., DeCross, S.N., Jovanovic, T., & Tottenham, N. (2019). Mechanisms linking childhood adversity with psychopathology: Learning as an intervention target. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 118, 101-109.
  • DeCross, S.N., Farabaugh, A.H., Holmes, A.J., Ward, M., Boeke, E.A., Wolthusen, R.P.F., Coombs, G., Nyer, M., Fava, M., Buckner, R.L., & Holt, D.J. (2019). Increased amygdala-visual cortex connectivity in youth with persecutory ideation. Psychological Medicine, 1-11.
  • Tuominen, L., Boeke, E.A., DeCross, S.N., Wolthusen, R.P.F., Nasr, S., Milad, M., Vangel, M., Tootell, R., & Holt, D.J. (2019). The relationship of perceptual discrimination to neural mechanisms of fear generalization. NeuroImage, 188, 445-455.
  • Shapero, B.G., Farabaugh, A., Terechina, O., DeCross, S.N., Cheung, J.C., Fava, M., & Holt, D.J. (2019). Understanding the effects of emotional reactivity on depression and suicidal thoughts and behaviors: Moderating effects of childhood adversity and resilience. Journal of Affective Disorders, 5, 419-427.
  • Wolthusen, R.P.F., Coombs, G., Boeke, E.A., Ehrlich, S., DeCross, S.N., Nasr, S., & Holt, D.J. (2018). Correlation between levels of delusional beliefs and perfusion of the hippocampus and an associated network in a non-help-seeking population. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 3, 178-186.
  • Holt, D.J., Boeke, E.A., Coombs, G., DeCross, S.N., Cassidy, B.S., Stufflebeam, S., Rauch, S.L., & Tootell, R.B.H. (2015). Abnormalities in personal space and parietal-frontal function in schizophrenia. NeuroImage: Clinical, 9, 233-243.

Book Chapters

  • Hooley, J.M. & DeCross, S.N. (2023). Social Functioning and Schizophrenia. In R.F. Krueger & P.H. Blaney (Eds.). Oxford Textbook of Psychopathology. (4th ed.). Oxford University Press.

Selected Oral Presentations

Mentees are italicized.

  • DeCross, S.N., Kribakaran, S., Odriozola, P., Sheridan, M.A., Tottenham, N., Gee, D.G., & McLaughlin, K.A. (April, 2024). Altered neural correlates of threat reversal learning in youth following childhood trauma and associations with psychopathology. Oral presentation for the symposium “Threat processing and early life adversity: A lifespan perspective on mechanisms for adapting to chronic stress and vulnerability to adverse mental health outcomes” at Anxiety and Depression Association of America, Boston, MA.
  • DeCross, S.N., Kribakaran, S., Odriozola, P., Sheridan, M.A., Tottenham, N., Gee, D.G., & McLaughlin, K.A. (November, 2023). Neural alterations in threat reversal learning as mechanisms linking childhood trauma and transdiagnostic psychopathology in youth. Oral presentation for the symposium “Mechanisms of fear across development and across diagnoses” at Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Seattle, WA.
  • DeCross, S.N., Sheridan, M.A., Tottenham, N., & McLaughlin, K.A. (September, 2023). Data-driven identification of neurobiological phenotypes during threat learning in youth exposed to childhood trauma and associations with psychopathology. Flash talk presented at Flux Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Santa Rosa, CA.
  • Weissman, D.G., Rubbani, S., DeCross, S.N., Kasparek, S.W., & McLaughlin, K.A. (April, 2023). Childhood violence exposure and the role of interoceptive accuracy and neural activity during interoception in transdiagnostic psychopathology in adolescence. Oral presentation for the symposium “The role of individual differences in interoception in psychopathology across development” at the Society for Affective Science Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA.
  • DeCross, S.N. & McLaughlin, K.A. (November, 2020). Distinct neural profiles during aversive learning mediate the longitudinal association of childhood trauma and symptoms of internalizing and externalizing psychopathology in youth. Oral virtual presentation for the symposium “Remembering (not) to fear: Understanding the development and treatment of anxiety and PTSD through translational research on fear memory and learning” at Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.
  • DeCross, S.N. & McLaughlin, K.A. (August, 2019). Dynamic neural correlates of fear conditioning in children exposed to trauma and associations with psychopathology. Jacobs Foundation Science of Learning Symposium Award oral presentation at Flux Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, New York City, NY.
  • DeCross, S.N. & McLaughlin, K.A. (March, 2019). Associations of childhood trauma with dynamic fear conditioning and psychopathology. Chaired symposium and oral presentation for the symposium “Childhood adversity and fear learning mechanisms” at Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.
  • Holt, D.J., DeCross, S., Coman, D., Shapero, B., Holmes, A., Buckner, R., Fava, M., & Farabaugh, A. (April, 2019). Changes in amygdala and hippocampal functional connectivity in subclinical psychosis: Relationship to symptom persistence, paranoia and aberrant salience. Oral presentation at Congress of the Schizophrenia International Research Society, Orlando, FL.
  • Tuominen, L., DeCross, S.N., Nasr, S., Boeke, E.A., Wolthusen, R.P.F., Tootell, R.B.H., Freudenreich, O., Shinn, A.K., & Holt, D.J. (March, 2017). Abnormal anterior insula activity during fear generalization in schizophrenia. Oral presentation at International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, San Diego, CA.
  • Holt, D.J., Nasr, S., DeCross, S.N., Wolthusen, R.P.F., Boeke, E.A., Milad, M.R., & Tootell, R.B.H. (May, 2016). Abnormalities in the acquisition and generalization of conditioned fear in psychosis. Oral presentation at Society of Biological Psychiatry, Atlanta, GA.
  • Barbour, T., Holmes, A.J., DeCross, S.N., Boeke, E.A., Wolthusen, R.P.F., Beam, E., Coombs, G., Nyer, M., Pedrelli, P., Fava, M., Farabaugh, A., & Holt, D.J. (May, 2016). Amygdala hyperactivity in youth with familial risk for depression may be a marker of low resilience. Oral presentation at Society of Biological Psychiatry, Atlanta, GA.
  • Holt, D.J., Boeke, E.,A., Coombs, G., DeCross, S.N., Rauch, S., & Tootell, R.B.H. (March, 2015). A sensory-motor system mediating lower and high-level social distance. Oral presentation at International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Colorado Springs, CO.

Selected Poster Presentations

Mentees are italicized.

  • DeCross, S.N., Kribakaran, S., Odriozola, P., Sheridan, M.A., Tottenham, N., Gee, D.G., & McLaughlin, K.A. (November, 2023). Altered neural correlates of threat reversal learning in youth following childhood trauma and associations with psychopathology. Poster presented at the Neurocognitive Therapies/ Translational Research (NTTR) SIG Poster Exposition at Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Seattle, WA.
  • Kribakaran, S., DeCross, S.N., Odriozola, P., Cohodes, E.M., Haberman, J.T., McLaughlin, K.A., & Gee, D.G. (October, 2023). Developmental differences in neural correlates of conditioned inhibition of fear following trauma exposure. Poster presented at the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Annual Meeting, New York, NY.
  • DeCross, S.N., Sheridan, M.A., Tottenham, N., & McLaughlin, K.A. (September, 2023). Data-driven identification of neurobiological phenotypes during threat learning in youth exposed to childhood trauma and associations with psychopathology. Poster presented at Flux Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Santa Rosa, CA.
  • Weissman, D.G., Rubbani, S., DeCross, S.N., Kasparek, S.W., & McLaughlin, K.A. (September, 2023). Childhood violence exposure and neural mechanisms of emotion generalization and differentiation. Poster presented at Flux Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Santa Rosa, CA.
  • DeCross, S.N., Rubbani, S., Weissman, D.G., Kasparek, S.W., & McLaughlin, K.A. (July, 2023). Developmental pathways to OCD: Intolerance of uncertainty mediates the link between childhood trauma and OCD symptoms in adolescents. Poster presented virtually at the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF) Research Symposium, San Francisco, CA.
  • DeCross, S.N., Kribakaran, S., Odriozola, P., Sheridan, M.A., Tottenham, N., Gee, D.G., & McLaughlin, K.A. (April, 2023). Neural alterations in threat reversal learning as mechanisms linking childhood trauma and transdiagnostic psychopathology in youth. Poster presented as Travel Award Winner at the 28th annual Wisconsin Symposium on Emotion, The Neuroplasticity of Affect and Implications for the Treatment of Psychopathology: Basic and Translational Perspectives, Madison, WI.
  • DeCross, S.N., Kribakaran, S., Odriozola, P., Sheridan, M.A., Tottenham, N., Gee, D.G., & McLaughlin, K.A. (April, 2023). Neural correlates of threat reversal learning in youth exposed to childhood trauma and associations with psychopathology. Poster presented at Society of Biological Psychiatry, San Diego, CA.
  • Kribakaran, S., DeCross, S.N., Odriozola, P., Cohodes, E.M., Haberman, J.T., McLaughlin, K.A., & Gee, D.G. (September, 2022). Safety cue learning as a potential mechanism linking childhood trauma exposure and psychopathology in youth. Poster presented at Flux Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Paris, France.
  • Odriozola, P., Kribakaran, S., DeCross, S.N., Cohodes, E.M., Haberman, J.T., McLaughlin, K.A., & Gee, D.G. (September, 2022). Learning about safety: Neural correlates of conditioned inhibition across development. Poster presented at Flux Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Paris, France.
  • Kribakaran, S., DeCross, S.N., Odriozola, P., Cohodes, E., Haberman, J., McLaughlin, K.A., & Gee, D.G. (April, 2022). Trauma exposure and neural correlates of safety cue learning in development. Poster presented at Society of Biological Psychiatry, New Orleans, LA.
  • Kribakaran, S., DeCross, S.N., Odriozola, P., Cohodes, E., Haberman, J., McLaughlin, K.A., & Gee, D. (September, 2021). Trauma exposure and safety cue learning in development. Poster presented virtually at Flux Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.
  • Odriozola, P., Kribakaran, S., DeCross, S.N., Cohodes, E., Haberman, J., McLaughlin, K.A., & Gee, D. (September, 2021). Learning about safety: Neural correlates of conditioned inhibition in typical development. Poster presented virtually at Flux Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.
  • Green, J.B., DeCross, S.N., & Friedman-Yakoobian, M. (April, 2021). Associations between social anxiety, social functioning, and paranoid ideation: Understanding risk for conversion in clinical high risk for psychosis. Poster presented virtually and awarded Data Blitz Presentation Award at Advances in Mindfulness and Acceptance Based Clinical Tools for Treating Adolescents and Young Adults.
  • DeCross, S.N., & McLaughlin, K.A. (June, 2020). Neural correlates of aversive learning as mechanisms linking childhood trauma with psychopathology. Poster presented virtually at Organization for Human Brain Mapping.
  • Luther, L., Tuominen, L., DeCross, S., Nasiriavanaki, Z., Deng, W.Y., Tootell, R., & Holt, D.J. (May, 2020). Altered neural responses during fear conditioning are associated with social anhedonia in schizophrenia. Poster presented virtually at Society for Biological Psychiatry.
  • DeCross, S.N. & McLaughlin, K.A. (August, 2019). Dynamic neural correlates of fear conditioning in children exposed to trauma and associations with psychopathology. Poster presented at Flux Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, New York City, NY.
  • Kasparek, S., Sambrook, K., DeCross, S., Rosen, M., & McLaughlin, K. (August, 2019). Distinct forms of childhood adversity are associated with differential patterns of intrinsic connectivity in reward-related neural networks. Poster presented at Flux Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, New York City, NY.
  • Nasiriavanaki, Z., Barbour, T., DeCross, S.N., Holmes, A.J., Tootell, R.B.H., Fava, M., Farabaugh, A.H., & Holt, D.J. (April, 2019). Neural correlates of insecure attachment style: Elevated responses to personal space intrusions. Poster presented at Harvard Medical School Psychiatry Research Day, Boston, MA.
  • Shapero, B.G., DeCross, S.N., Farabaugh, A.H., Terechina, O., Holmes, A.J., Buckner, R.L., Fava, M., & Holt, D.J. (October, 2017). Association between amygdala connectivity, psychopathology, and implicit negativity bias. Poster presented and awarded MGH Psychiatry Department Individual Award at Massachusetts General Hospital Celebration of Clinical Research, Boston, MA.
  • Leathem, L.D., Tuominen, L., Barbour, T., DeCross, S.N., Mow, J.L., Terechina, O., & Holt, D.J. (October, 2017). The neural basis of generalization of fear and safety signals and alterations in these processes in subthreshold psychosis. Poster presented and awarded MGH Psychiatry Department Individual Award at Massachusetts General Hospital Celebration of Clinical Research, Boston, MA.
  • Terechina, O., Shapero, B.G., Farabaugh, A.H., DeCross, S.N., Fava, M., & Holt, D.J. (October, 2017). Distinct psychopathological correlates of delusional ideas in a non-clinical population: implications for the mechanisms of psychosis. Poster presented at Massachusetts General Hospital Celebration of Clinical Research, Boston, MA.
  • Wolthusen, R.P.F., Coombs, G., Boeke, E.A., DeCross, S.N., Nasr, S., & Holt, D.J. (June, 2017). Elevated perfusion of limbic brain regions in non-help-seeking subjects with psychotic experiences. Poster presented at Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  • Liu, H., Wang, D., DeCross, S.N., Peng, X., Holmes, A.J., Freudenreich, O., Fava, M., Farabaugh, A.H., Buckner, R.L., Roffman, J.L., & Holt, D.J. (December, 2016). Altered transient network dynamics in schizophrenia and psychosis spectrum youth. Poster presented at American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Hollywood, FL.
  • DeCross, S.N., Nasr, S., Boeke, E.A., Wolthusen, R.P.F., Tootell, R.B.H., Milad, M.R., & Holt, D.J. (October, 2016). Activity of the salience network during fear generalization predicts conscious fear: Implications for psychopathology. Poster presented at Massachusetts General Hospital Celebration of Clinical Research, Boston, MA.
  • DeCross, S.N., Nasr, S., Boeke, E.A., Wolthusen, R.P.F., Tootell, R.B.H., Milad, M.R., & Holt, D.J. (May, 2016). Neural correlates of perceptually-based fear generalization. Poster presented at Society of Biological Psychiatry, Atlanta, GA.
  • Wolthusen, R.P.F., Coombs, G., Boeke, E.A., DeCross, S.N., Nasr, S., & Holt, D.J. (May, 2016). Elevated hippocampal perfusion in association with subthreshold delusions. Poster presented at Society of Biological Psychiatry, Atlanta, GA.
  • Padmanabhan, J.L., Touroutoglou, A., Stepanovic, M., DeCross, S.N., Holt, D.J., & Dickerson, B.C. (March, 2016). Resting state functional connectivity of amygdala-cortical networks and symptom severity in schizophrenia. Poster presented at American Neuropsychiatric Association, San Diego, CA.
  • Nasr, S., Boeke, E.A., DeCross, S.N., Wolthusen, R.P.F., Tootell, R.B.H., Milad, M.R., & Holt, D.J. (October, 2015). Temporal dynamics of fear learning and generalization in the human brain. Poster presented at Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL.
  • DeCross, S.N., Holmes, A.J., Boeke, E.A., Wolthusen, R.P.F., Coombs, G., Beam, E., Nyer, M., Fava, M., Farabaugh, A.H., Buckner, R.L., & Holt, D.J. (October, 2015). Altered limbic-sensory functional connectivity predicts persistent delusional beliefs. Poster presented and awarded MGH Psychiatry Department Individual Award at Massachusetts General Hospital Celebration of Clinical Research, Boston, MA.
  • Barbour, T., DeCross, S.N., Holmes, A.J., Boeke, E.A., Wolthusen, R.P.F., Beam, E., Coombs, G., Nyer, M., Tootell, R.B.H., Fava, M., Farabaugh, A.H., & Holt, D.J. (October, 2015). Amygdala hyperactivity is associated with low resilience in youth with familial risk for depression. Poster presented at Massachusetts General Hospital Celebration of Clinical Research, Boston, MA.
  • DeCross, S.N., Holmes, A.J., Boeke, E.A., Wolthusen, R.P.F., Coombs, G., Beam, E., Nyer, M., Fava, M., Farabaugh, A.H., Buckner, R.L., & Holt, D.J. (May, 2015). Association between persecutory thinking and elevated amygdala-occipital cortex connectivity. Poster presented at Society of Biological Psychiatry, Toronto, ON, Canada.
  • DeCross, S.N., Holmes, A.J., Boeke, E.A., Wolthusen, R.P.F., Crowell, S., Beam, E., Coombs, G., Nyer, M., Buckner, R.L., Fava, M., Farabaugh, A.H., & Holt, D.J. (April, 2015). Aberrant connectivity of limbic structures in subthreshold delusions. Poster presented at Harvard Medical School Psychiatry Research Day, Boston, MA.
  • Barbour, T., DeCross, S.N., Holmes, A.J., Boeke, E.A., Wolthusen, R.P.F., Crowell, S., Beam, E., Coombs, G., Nyer, M., Tootell, R.B.H., Fava, M., Farabaugh, A.H., & Holt, D.J. (April, 2015). Anxious attachment predicts parietofrontal responses to dynamic face stimuli. Poster presented at Harvard Medical School Psychiatry Research Day, Boston, MA.
  • Xia, C., Stepanovic, M., Caso, C., DeCross, S.N., Ducharme, S., Makaretz, S., Padmanabhan, J.L., Holt, D.J., & Dickerson, B.C. (March, 2015). The Social Impairment Rating Scale (SIRS) relates to atrophy in distinct corticolimbic networks in schizophrenia and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Poster presented at American Neuropsychiatric Association, Lake Buena Vista, FL.
  • Holt, D.J., DeCross, S.N., Holmes, A.J., Boeke, E.A., Wolthusen, R.P.F., Crowell, S., Coombs, G., Nyer, M., Buckner, R.L., Fava, M., & Farabaugh, A.H. (December, 2014). Abnormal amygdala functional connectivity in youth with subclinical delusions. Poster presented at American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Phoenix, AZ.
  • Barbour, T., DeCross, S.N., Holmes, A.J., Boeke, E.A., Wolthusen, R.P.F., Crowell, S., Coombs, G., Nyer, M., Buckner, R.L., Fava, M., & Holt, D.J. (December, 2014). Insecure attachment in at-risk youth is associated with hyper-responsivity of a parietofrontal cortical network involved in social behavior. Poster presented at American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Phoenix, AZ.

Selected Invited Talks and Trainings

  • DeCross, S.N. (November, 2023; September, 2022). Mechanisms linking dimensions of childhood adversity with psychopathology: Translating between neurobiology, behavior, and clinical intervention. Invited lecture at Harvard Medical School’s Seminar on Development and Developmental Psychopathology for First Year Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (CAP1) Fellows, Longwood, MA.
  • DeCross, S.N. (January, 2022). Translating between neurobiology, behavior, and clinical intervention: Leveraging threat learning as a mechanism linking childhood trauma and psychopathology. Invited Grand Rounds at the Cambridge Health Alliance Department of Psychiatry, Cambridge, MA.
  • DeCross, S.N. (August, 2021). DSM-5 and KSADS Diagnostic Interviewing Training. Four-part recorded lecture series at the Stress and Development Lab, Harvard Psychology Department, Cambridge, MA.
  • DeCross, S.N. (July, 2021). Safety, Risk Assessment, and Mandated Reporting Training. Recorded lecture at the Stress and Development Lab, Harvard Psychology Department, Cambridge, MA.
  • DeCross, S.N. (July, 2019). Understanding pathways to mental illness through imaging developing neural circuitry. Career trajectory and research talk at the Summer Student Lunch on Neuroscience for high school and undergraduate students, Harvard Brain Science Initiative, Cambridge, MA.
  • DeCross, S.N., & McLaughlin, K.A. (June, 2019). Dynamic neural correlates of fear conditioning in children exposed to trauma and associations with psychopathology. Talk at the Laboratory for Social & Emotional Neuroscience, Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Charlestown, MA.


Invited Course Lectures

  • DeCross, S.N. (November 2022; November 2021). Resting-state fcMRI analyses in action: An application in clinical neuroscience. Guest lecturer for Harvard’s PSY 1309 Essentials of fMRI for Cognitive Neuroscientists.
  • DeCross, S.N. (December 2021). Open science & fMRI research: Understanding the basic whys, whats, and hows. Guest lecturer for Harvard’s PSY 1309 Essentials of fMRI for Cognitive Neuroscientists.