Check out our news archive below to learn more about what’s happening in Duke Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences!
Q&A with Heather Vestal, Duke Psychiatry's New Residency Program Director
Growing up in a Boston suburb, Heather Vestal, MD, MHS, was certain of one thing: while she always wanted to be a doctor, she did not want to follow in her parents’ footsteps and become a psychiatrist.
Kafui Dzirasa Receives Young Investigator Award
The Society for Neuroscience (SfN) recently presented Kafui Dzirasa, MD, PhD, with this year’s Young Investigator Award.
Duke Med-Psych Shows Strong Presence at AMP Annual Meeting
The 2019 Annual Meeting of the Association of Medicine and Psychiatry took place at the Emory Conference Center in Atlanta, Georgia, October 17-19, with great representation from Duke.
Landmark Study Identifies Six Genetic Markers of PTSD Risk
An international team of researchers including faculty from Duke Psychiatry recently identified interesting genes linked with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Addressing Cognitive Effects of Treatments for Serious Childhood Illness
Treatments for brain tumors, leukemia, sickle cell disease, and other serious illnesses can sometimes cause long-term cognitive side effects that deeply affect a child's quality of life.
Duke Psychiatry's Lisa Gwyther Receives Pioneer Award for Contributions to Aging
Lisa Gwyther, MSW, LCSW, Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at the Duke University School of Medicine, has received a 2019 Pioneer Award from the N.C. Coalition on Aging for her long-time contributions to the field of aging in North Carolina.
Duke Team Earn NIH Funding as Part of National Effort to Combat Opioid Crisis
Research teams from Duke received more than $24 million in federal grants to address challenges related to pain and the opioid crisis, with more than $19 million awarded to investigators from the&n
Alzheimer’s Drug Reverses Brain Damage From Adolescent Alcohol Exposure in Rats
A drug used to slow cognitive decline in adults with Alzheimer's disease appears to reverse brain inflammation and neuron damage in rats exposed to alcohol during adolescence.