Please join us in congratulating Duke Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences faculty members Ernestine Briggs-King, PhD, Jeremy Grove, PhD, and Sarah Wilson, PhD, on receiving departmental grants to support underrepresented minority faculty members and/or health inequities research!
- Dr. Briggs-King’s project is “Evaluation of a brief trauma-focused group treatment for trauma exposed minority adolescents.”
- Dr. Grove’s project is “Use of ecological momentary assessment technology to establish the daily association between acute use of alcohol and suicidal thoughts and behaviors for the eventual development of a smart phone-based just-in-time intervention.”
- Dr. Wilson’s project is “Evaluation of implementation strategies designed to facilitate uptake and sustainment of an evidence-based, technology-assisted smoking cessation.”
We’re excited to be able to support these projects through an anonymous unrestricted gift, and we look forward to seeing their research outcomes!