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Ayesha K. Chaudhary, MD, is an attending psychiatrist at the Durham VA Medical Center, where she cares for specialized populations: women veterans and veterans with severe and persistent mental conditions. She provides clinical supervision for Duke Psychiatry residents in a variety of settings at the Durham VA. Dr. Chaudhary also provides legal and forensic consulting services in her private practice. She completed her medical training at The Aga Khan University Medical College in Karachi Pakistan, and her medical graduate training in psychiatry at Duke University Medical Center.
Dr. Chaudhary’s previous experience includes a 20-year tenure in college mental health, providing clinical care for students at the Duke University Student Health Service Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). She has presented nationally on college mental health, written about mental health in emerging adults, and worked on several multidisciplinary teams at Duke. Nationally, she has served the college mental health professional community in leadership roles at the American Psychiatric Association and the American College Health Association, as well as locally at the North Carolina Psychiatric Association and Executive Council.
Dr. Chaudhary has supervised Duke Psychiatry residents, medical students and predoctoral psychology interns since 1999. She enjoys working with the next generation of psychiatrists and finds it especially delightful to see so many of her trainees rise to become faculty, administrators and other leaders.