Bass Connections Faculty Perspectives: Gabriela Nagy

Gabriela Nagy, PhD, an assistant professor in psychiatry and behavioral sciences and a clinical assistant professor in the School of Nursing, has been a Bass Connections team leader since 2019.

Her 2020-2021 projects focus on the impact of the current U.S. immigration climate on the mental health outcomes of Latinx immigrants, strengthening the pipeline for Latinx students to pursue healthcare-related careers, and on strengthening relationships in low-resource families. 

In a recent Bass Connections orientation for team leaders, she shared her experiences in the program and gave advice to other faculty who are leading Bass Connections teams. For example, she noted that in addition to building relationships among students, Bass Connections is also a great opportunity for mentorship. “For many students, it is the first time they have received this type of mentorship,” said Nagy. “Know that you are shaping part of their college career. They will rely on you for mentorship in a range of areas. Be prepared to write some letters of reference as well!”

Read more and see some photos from her projects on the Bass Connections website.
