Participate in a Study

Studies Currently Enrolling at Our Center

Misophonia Phenotyping Study

Do you belong to one of these groups?

  • Extraordinarily bothered by certain sounds such as chewing, finger-tapping, etc.
  • Tend to feel very anxious a lot of the time.
  • Generally upbeat with no mental health problems.

We are looking for participants between 18 to 65 years old for our study on Misophonia, a condition in which people are extraordinarily bothered by certain kinds of sounds such as people eating or repetitive tapping.

IRB# Pro00102579

Please note that we have removed the link to our sign-up for this study due to the large amount of interest in this study. We are trying to make sure that we get to all the people who have expressed interest.  Thank you all for your enthusiasm in research!

Developing a Novel Misophonia Intervention using Neurostimulation 

IRB # Pro00114183

This is a study in which we plan to learn more about the short and long-term effects of emotion regulation and neurostimulation on misophonia. Learn More

Additional Ongoing or Planned Studies

To read about additional ongoing or planned Misophonia research studies, visit Misophonia Studies.

Additionally, if you would like to be added to our growing list of people who are interested in hearing more about our program as well as future studies, please email us

Studies Currently Enrolling Outside of Our Center

Online Study on the Validation of a New Misophonia Computer Test!

Nico Remmert, a researcher at Freie Universität Berlin, is working alongside teams from England and the US to develop an innovative misophonia computer test aimed to enhance our understanding and diagnosis of misophonia. They are searching for participants who fit the following description:

  • 18 years of age or older
  • Experience symptoms of misophonia
  • Fluent in English
  • No known hearing abnormalities or conditions
  • No symptoms of epilepsy 


  • Structure: Participants will complete an online assessment in which they're asked to listen to sounds and rate their discomfort. Participants have the freedom to stop or decide whether to continue listening to any sound at any time. Please note that this requires access to a computer with a keyboard, headphones, and a quiet space. Smartphones cannot be used.
  • Duration: Approximately 55-60 minutes
  • Payment: Amazon e-giftcard of $50 or £50

This research is generously supported by the nonprofit misophonia charity, soQuiet. If you have any questions or concerns about the study, please contact Nico Remmert at

To participate, please click on the following link: