Dr. Jennifer Jo Brout

Dr. Jennifer Jo Brout is the Founder of the Misophonia Research Network (MRN). She is a New York State Certified School Psychologist, a Connecticut Professional Licensed Counselor, and holds a Doctorate in School/Clinical-Child Psychology.

Upcoming Events with Dr. Jennifer Brout

Jen Brout

Upcoming Misophonia Coping Skills Class for Parents with Dr. Jennifer Brout - October 15th!

Are you a parent of a child with misophonia? Join Dr. Jennifer Brout on October 15th from 7:30-9pm EST

For more information and to reserve a spot, contact her directly at JB@drjenniferbrout.com


Regulate, Reason, Reassure: A Parent’s Guide to Understanding and Managing Misophonia is a coping skills manual for parents to help their own children and teens manage misophonia. RRR was developed by Dr. Jennifer Brout through her own experiences as a clinician, a sufferer of misophonia, and the mother of an adult child who showed signs of misophonia at a young age. RRR gives parents the tools to help mediate misophonia and provides easy to follow guidelines and work sheets to ensure parents have the skills to continue practicing RRR with their child as they grow and develop. 

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An Adult's Guide to Misophonia: Understanding and Managing Misophonia: Regulate, Reason, Reassure is a coping skills manual for adults to help manage their misophonia.


A Clinician’s Guide to Understanding and Managing Misophonia from a Self-Regulation Perspective: Regulate, Reason, Reassure gives clinicians the tools to help mediate misophonia and provides easy to follow guidelines and work sheets to ensure their clients have the skills to continue practicing RRR.

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To learn more about classes and clinician trainings, please contact Dr. Jennifer Jo Brout via her website.