Care Outside of Duke

Providers in the United States

There are very few providers in the United States with expertise in misophonia. If you are able to come to Duke for an evaluation and treatment recommendations, contact us.

For those who are unable to be seen in our center, we can suggest these resources:

The Misophonia Provider Network by IMRN

Anxiety & Depression Association (ADAA) Directory (select “Misophonia” under “Disorders Treated & Specialty”)


The following websites may be helpful in finding a therapist/counselor/provider that at least is familiar with depression, anxiety, ADHD, OCD, autism, etc. that can co-occur with misophonia, in adults, children & adolescents:

Choosing Therapy Directory

Alma Therapy Directory

Providers In Canada

Those looking for providers working with children familiar with misophonia may visit the Mehrit Centre website