Welcome to the MOMMA Study!

What does MOMMA stand for?

MOMMA is the short title for our study: Prenatal maternal obesity and neurodevelopment: The mediating role of the microbiome and metabolome.

What is the MOMMA study?

The purpose of the MOMMA Study is to better understand how your health and wellbeing during pregnancy impacts your baby’s brain development. We are also interested in how the baby’s environment after birth affects their development.

How will this study benefit you?

Each participant will get up to $700 over the course of three years. You will also receive information about your baby’s development.

What’s involved?

Over two to three years (until your baby is two years old) where you will:

  1. Complete surveys and assessments about your baby’s and your health until your baby is two years old. This will include two mental health interviews, once during pregnancy and a second time after your baby is born
  2. Collecting biospecimen samples from you and your baby, such as hair samples and saliva swabs.
  3. Complete two magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, which will take place during the third trimester and when your baby is around one year old.

Interested in Participating?

Complete this survey to see if you are eligible to participate in our study

Contact us at via email at mommastudy@duke.edu or call us at 919-660-9467.