For Students
Graduate Students

I am currently recruiting graduate students to work with me. Students have the opportunity to learn more about the fields of behavioral epigenetics and psychobiology with the goal of carving their own research niche in these areas. We will also be collecting data with pregnant women living in poverty and, ultimately, their newborns.
Graduate students will learn about how chronic and episodic life stress experienced by the mother while pregnant may shape infant physiological susceptibilities to their early environment. They'll also learn about epigenetic and physiological methods with pregnant women and with infants. Students also have the opportunity to publish on existing data sets that include a sample of 1,388 children with prenatal substance exposure, many of whom have also experienced significant stressful events in their early lives.
If you're a graduate student interested in working with the CAN Lab, please email Dr. Liz Conradt at to inquire.
Undergraduate Students
Becoming a research assistant in the CAN Lab can be a valuable experience for undergraduate students. If you're interested in joining our lab, please read on to learn whether it's the right undergraduate research experience for you.
Becoming an RA in our lab will ...
- Give you “hands on” experience in developmental research techniques
- Help you decide whether you want to go to graduate school in developmental or clinical psychology
- Help you learn more about the research process and become a more intelligent consumer of research
- Provide you with “real world” experiences that help prepare you for graduate school
As a research assistant in our lab, you'll have opportunities to ...
- Learn more about epigenetics, early life stress, the development of psychopathology, and social and emotional development through lab meetings, reading published literature and discussions
- Learn how the research process unfolds: from conducting literature reviews, to participating in experiment design, to collecting data, cleaning and coding data, analyzing data and disseminating findings to a larger audience
- Get hands-on experience working directly with caregivers and their young children, collecting data.
- Carve out your own research project as an honors student, or if you are motivated to disseminate research in some form, ranging from a conference poster to a publication.
We ask that RAs in our lab commit to the following:
- Two-semester commitment (one of those semesters can include the summer). It takes a lot of effort to train RAs to complete certain projects. We therefore would like at least a 2-semester commitment from you.
- 8-10 hours/week of lab work, which includes the weekly 1-hour lab meetings
- Attendance at weekly lab meetings. During these meetings students will have a chance to present data, discuss project and paper ideas and/or present on an article of interest.
The most successful RAs in the CAN lab ...
- Have interests in developmental or clinical psychology
- Are interested in going to graduate school
- Have excellent interpersonal and organizational skills
- Are dependable
If you're interested in joining the CAN Lab as an undergraduate RA, please complete the application below and send it to Dr. Liz Conradt at
Recommendation Letter Requests
Many students ask me for letters of recommendation for graduate school, medical school, study abroad programs, internships and scholarship opportunities. I’m happy to do this and I enjoy writing letters for excellent students. Please do not be shy in asking – this is part of my job!
But before you ask me, first think about whether I will be a strong letter writer for you. If I cannot write a good letter about you, I will likely hurt your application rather than help, given that most programs expect strong letters from their applicants. Whenever you’re asking for letters of recommendation, be sure to specify if the letter writer can write a strong letter of recommendation for you.
Before asking me to write a letter for you, please answer these questions* for yourself, decide if I would be a good letter writer, and then provide the answers to me.
First, a good recommendation letter will have vivid details that show what an excellent student you are. In order for me to write a very good letter, I need to have examples of demonstrated excellence. Please tell me at least two examples of your demonstrated excellence in the classroom or in my lab. For example, describe a class discussion that you led. Or explain how a paper for my class opened your eyes to a particular research area. Infant part of the BEES study. Then please tell me how many times we met in office hours or in the lab and any examples of demonstrated excellence from those office hour conversations.
Second, there are many questions that I’ll have to answer about you. Almost all applications ask me to compare you to all other students that I’ve taught over the years. Others are very specific: “Describe a specific situation where you have observed the applicant using critical thinking skills or applied a new skill” or “How would you describe the applicant’s leadership skills?” or “Rate this student’s originality and intellectual creativity.” If I don’t know you well enough to speak to these questions, you probably should find someone who does to write a letter for you. Tell me the exact questions that recommenders are asked to answer. I may ask you to draft answers for these.
Third, have I read your writing? I will certainly be asked about your writing ability. I need to have read at least 10 pages of your original writing. Similarly, in my courses that are more team activity-based, it will be difficult for me to speak to your individual writing. If I have not read your writing but we had a close relationship in office hours, I am still willing to write a letter for you, but I will have to mention that I cannot speak to your writing ability.
If our only interaction was in a large lecture class or a large methodology class or a class that was driven by team/group activities, it will be harder for me to write a letter about you and answer questions about your skills and abilities. You may want to consider asking a faculty member that had you in a different type of class and can write about these things.
I will mention your overall grade (without extra credit) and grades on any major assignments in my letter. But merely receiving a good grade in my class is insufficient for a good letter that will help your application and get you into your desired program.
I need to know what specifically I can add to your overall application. Is it related to my research expertise? Were you a research assistant for me and you need to demonstrate a particular set of skills? Are you hoping for me to provide some information that other letter writers cannot? If there are particular details about our interactions that you want me to highlight, remind me of them.
If you answered those four questions satisfactorily, here are your next steps:
- Please give me as much advance notice as possible – three weeks at the minimum. And it is even better if you talk to me months before the letters are due about your possible need for letters.
- Include the following in your initial email: the semester and year and the name of the course(s) you took with me.
- If it has been more than a year since you took my course, please fill me in on what you’ve been doing since I last saw you.
- Tell me why you’re applying to this particular program.
- Email me a copy of your resume and a copy of the essay or personal statement for the program you’re applying to.
- Tell me exactly what you’re applying to so that I can address it properly in my letter. And give me a link to the program. “I highly recommend Steve Smith for your program” is not as good as “I highly recommend Steve Lee for the Duncan J. Watts Fellowship at the University of Waterloo.” If you’re applying to multiple graduate programs, please give me the list of all of them at once so that I can efficiently write your letters.
I would love for students to think about recommendation letters earlier in their university careers. Try your hardest to enroll in smaller courses with tenure-track professors (versus graduate student instructors or adjunct professors or lecturers) – for better or worse, for graduate schools in particular, tenure-track professors’ letters carry more weight. Please go to office hours, even if you do not have a specific issue with course content. These are one of the few ways that faculty and students can get to know each other better.