Our Mission

Our lab’s mission is to use theoretically-informed, clinically-relevant methods for early identification of children at risk for psychopathology to prevent intergenerational transmission of mental health problems.

Our Research

We have known for decades that risk for a wide range of neurodevelopmental outcomes, including child psychopathology, begins during pregnancy. However, pregnancies do not occur in a vacuum. We are beginning to uncover how the “long reach” of experiences the pregnant person had in their childhood can affect mental health across generations. 

Our focus is on advancing the science of intergenerational transmission of risk for psychopathology by studying how exposures the pregnant person had across their lifespan shape mental health outcomes in children.

We define risk for child psychopathology broadly. We study families who struggle with mental health challenges, substance use and prenatal substance exposure, and who experience preterm birth.

We recognize that this risk is amplified by systemic forces of oppression and racism. By documenting the societal costs of these inequities, we provide data to inform intervention to promote health equity.

We also know that families are resilient despite experiencing significant stressors. Our studies incorporate factors that might promote strength and well-being in families across generations. 

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